V Quotes Dmc5

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Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. V is a character from the Devil May Cry series of action games. He makes his debut in Devil May Cry 5 as one of the three playable main characters.1 He is the manifestation of the human side of Vergil. 1 Biography 1.1 Appearance 1.2 Personality 1.3 Concept 2 Story 2.1 Devil May Cry 5: Before the Nightmare 2.2 Devil May Cry 5 3 Powers and abilities 3.1 Familiars 4 Gameplay 5 Trivia 6 Gallery 7. Devil May Cry 5 is an Urban Fantasy Stylish Action Hack and Slash game developed by Capcom.The game is the fourth Numbered Sequel in the Devil May Cry series after 2008's Devil May Cry 4, and the first non-Updated Re-release since 2013's DmC: Devil May Cry. #incorrect nerov quotes #nerov #nero x v #devil may cry 5 #devil may cry v #dmc5 #nero devil may cry #dmc nero #v devil may cry #dmc v #dante sparda #dmc5 dante #dmc dante #source: unknown #nero sparda #dmc5 nero.

  1. V Quotes Dmc5
  2. Devil May Cry Vergil Quotes
  3. Dante Dmc Quotes
  4. Vergil Dmc Quotes
  5. Devil May Cry V Quotes
V Quotes Dmc5

Devil May Cry 5 is an action-adventurehack and slashvideo game that was published and developed by Capcom in 2019. The game is the fifth installment to the Devil May Cry series, its storyline set after the events of Devil May Cry 4.


  • Oh! They're just gonna let me through! Boy, wouldn't that be the day?
  • Can't let a boy do a man's job.
  • Round two!
  • V, get Nero out of here! This was a bad move!
  • Nero, go! You're just dead weight.
  • 'Not gonna die,' my ass. That bitch slap nearly killed me.
  • Jackpot!


  • Defeating you like this has no meaning.
  • Heal your wounds, Dante. Get strong. After that, we'll settle the matter.
  • Thank you, Nero.
  • That day, if our positions were switched... Would our fates be different? Would I have your life, and you mine?
  • Let's settle this... Dante.
  • If you want it, then you'll have to take it. But you already knew that.
  • How many times have we fought?
  • Nero is my son?
  • Well, well... That was a long time ago.
  • ...Ended this.
  • This is...curious.
  • What form of power is this?
  • Ahh, you came all this way just for that.
  • If I beat Nero... Then by default, I beat you. Agreed, Dante?
  • This has nothing to do with you. Stand down.
  • Of your existence? Or your strength?
  • Interesting...
  • I can still fight.
  • But if those roots continue to spread through town, it'll just interfere with our business.
  • Evidently
  • We need to sever the Qliphoth roots from the underworld itself. Then, we'll seal the portal with the Yamato.
  • Make haste, Dante.
  • I won't lose next time. Hold onto that until then.
  • I'm more than capable of handling this on my own.
  • Useless pests... They must be ready to die.
  • Where did you learn to count? We're even.
  • Maybe. We got plenty of time.
  • Don't you dare say it-!


  • What? No chit-chat or monologue? Just gettin' right to the point, huh?
  • Sorry Dante... I'm baggin' this bitch!
  • What am I doin', wasting my time here? He's got this.
  • Okay, V... You're an interesting guy, but you're right. I've got a score to settle with that son of a bitch.
  • Hey! Thought you took off?
  • Well... Looks like this won't be a total waste of time after all.
  • Hey, Jackass! Didn't your mother ever teach you it's not nice to steal?
  • I can still fight!
  • Back off!
  • That bastard called me dead weight! I didn't come all this way for nothing!
  • Is that what you call him?
  • So tell me. How's it feel to be rescuing the guy that killed your father?
  • Well he's not exactly going up for a father of the year award, now is he?
  • Hey, you have to hit every single bump in the road? Gonna ruin my groove!
  • You look like you need a hug, but you're not gonna get one from me. -Better get lost.
  • Cheer up, crew cut.
  • You takin' notes?
  • All right, time to kick some ass.
  • Hey, stop bitchin' and take cover!
  • What a lovely house plant.
  • Oh, I get it... Who brought the marshmallows? 'Casue I'm bringin' the fire.
  • Yamato did this...
  • Hope you like loud talkers, too, 'cause we got a pair of those upstairs.
  • You see something you like?
  • You a demon?
  • Kyrie! Get back inside, now!
  • V's waiting for us up ahead. Try not to get us killed on the way there.
  • Hey, we doin' this or what?
  • Huh... Looks like I'm gonna make it there before you do, V.
  • Sorry to disappoint ya...
  • Hey, ya happen to see a guy around here, about this big, uses a cane? I'm supposed to meet him. Did you snack on him?
  • King? You? I don't know. I mean, you're a big guy and all, but you seem more like a knuckle-scraping fart in the wind than anything else. No offense
  • Hey, do you do parties?
  • Thought I was gonna have to pick you out of his...tummy teeth.
  • Yeah... Looks like a real page-turner
  • If Dante's alive, we'll save him. If not, we don't.
  • V... What the hell are you?
  • Well, your quality control sucks ass, and you know that.
  • Nice, getting the band back together, huh?
  • I thought that was the plan all along.
  • What, tired already?
  • Is that so
  • You're gonna miss all the fun.
  • I don't think that's such a good idea, trust me.
  • Not the only one? What the hell aren't you telling me?
  • Guess there's no point thinking about it...
  • Perfect Timing... Now we're startin' to act like a team.
  • Hey douchebag, miss me?
  • Where's Dante? No body? No dried up Dante jerky? Nothin'?
  • He talks.
  • Urizen, huh? I bet your parents didn't like you much, 'cause your name sucks.
  • Well, No name... I'll be sure to put that on your tombstone.
  • I'll show you dead weight.
  • It's about time I landed somethin'
  • Oh, let you call me dead weight again? No thanks.
  • I've got all the power I need. Right here.
  • What the hell's your problem? You TRYIN' to kill me!?
  • Gotta pay attention, sweetheart.
  • Hey, we're tougher than we look. But...there's only one way to find out.
  • If that's your brother, what happened to V?
  • Like hell! I lost my right arm because of him!
  • I'm not gonna let you have all the fun, Dante!
  • Lemme guess, I'm dead weight? You can shove that-
  • My father...?
  • So this guy Vergil, you know him?
  • Dante said that guy's my father... What the hell's going on, Trish!?
  • Kyrie... When I was a kid, I...I was alone. You and Credo were all I knew. And now all of a sudden, I find out I have a family. What am I supposed to do with that?
  • I have one last thing to take care of... Then I'm coming home.
  • I couldn't protect Credo. To this day, I hate myself for not having enough strength. But this time is different. I swear. I'M NOT LETTING YOU DIE!
  • This ends, right here.
  • You listen, dead weight. I won't let you kill each other. There are other ways of setting your differences. I'm putting a stop to this sibling rivalry.
  • Vergil... V...whatever you call yourself... Dante's not gonna die here, and neither are you.Do you have a problem with that?
  • When this is over, I'll make you submit... Father.
  • Nothing to do with me!? It has everything to do with me!
  • Fuck you!
  • You... Take me seriously now!?
  • Both, you fuckin' asshole!
  • Oh... hell no!
  • Fuck you!
  • Oh hell no. Here, now it's your turn.
  • You feeling accepting yet?
  • Enough, dammit! The underworld is taking over, and we need to do something before it's too late.
  • You can't just expect me to stay here while you both go-
  • Idiots...
  • Like, I don't know, it just grew. I mean, are kiddin' me? Lots of weird stuff happened. There were demons and scary plant roots, and arm growin; back. Lots of stuff.
  • Doesn't matter. They're both gone now anyway.
  • I'm not gonna cry.
  • -Will you shut up? Will you stop it?
  • Look at you. You're- nobody's crying, all right?
  • Stop saying cry. If you say cry again-
  • ...Yeah, I'm comin' home
  • Oh yeah, I don't wanna spoil it but I've got a surprise for you.
  • What the hell's your problem!? Where'd you learn to drive!?
  • Got an arm, I'm good.
  • 'It's a work of ART!' I gotcha.
  • Well, How sweet...
  • Feels good.
  • So...devils cry, huh? Let's hear what that SOUNDS LIKE!
  • Guess that's the end, then.


  • I have no name; I am but two days old...' Just kidding. You can call me 'V.
  • I know... we're one in the same you and I. You've lost me, and I've lost you. Yet we are connected by that one feeling. 'While thy branches mix with mine and our roots together join.
  • You should not underestimate this demon. After all, it was he who took your right arm... and gained a great deal of power from it.
  • Do you not understand? We cannot hope to do this without you.
  • I suggest you do not fall behind
  • We must leave here. He is far stronger than we could have imagined.
  • Stop hitting yourself, and think of ways to get stronger and actually help.
  • If Dante loses...you are all that can defeat Urizen.
  • Yes. Urizen, the Demon King... That's the name of the demon that took your arm.
  • He's buying time, but... It doesn't look good.
  • I curse my stars in bitter grief and woe, that made my love so high and me, so low.
  • Little wanderer, hie thee home!
  • Pardon my delay, I was catching up on some reading.
  • One can only hope. But for now, we have a more...pressing engagement
  • We've a minor errand before we reach Urizen.
  • 'He who desires but act not, breeds pestilence.' So it is written.
  • Not in this lifetime
  • As the air to a bird or the sea to a fish, so is contempt to the contemptible.
  • If the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise.
  • I'm afraid that...that's a little bit more than I can take on right now.
  • I see. I know what you are. Don't worry, I'll be gentle.
  • 'One thought fills immensity'
  • Where there's a will, there's a way... Now let's go!
  • The power to control time... That's quite a horse.
  • A rare species, but apparently not quite extinct. Until today, that is.
  • I'll take that momentum... And send it right back.
  • If the devil sword Sparda still exists, it may very well be our only hope.
  • 'The cut worm forgives the plow.' What do you say?
  • I'll take that momentum... And send it right back.
  • 'The hours of folly are measur’d by the clock, but of wisdom: no clock can measure.' Die!
  • I'm fine... I must chase him. If the devil's sword Sparda still exists, it may very well be our only hope.
  • For me, yes. But what of the boy... Nero?
  • Once we're near the Sparda, even I should be able to sense its presence.
  • I'll leave this beast to you. I must press on.
  • What evil lurks... I must destroy it.
  • I've just remembered something... This town was attacked once before. I was here... I can still see it. In fact, I was playing right here. That was the house. This is where we part ways, you go ahead.
  • No, I must seek out the devil sword Sparda.
  • You're not the only one who thinks so. But to win this fight we're going to need all the help we can get.
  • A powerful demon is about to resurrect, and we need your help, Dante.
  • This is... special.
  • This demon is your 'reason'... Your reason for fighting.
  • Well, I guess we keep going. The devil sword Sparda is nearby.
  • It's coming from the Qliphoth's root.
  • It seems this sword is still too strong for me...
  • That kid, Nero...he has the strength.
  • The Devil sword Sparda was concealing Dante's presence.
  • If only you could defeat Urizen... If only... No. If only you never existed... Then I...!
  • I know how stubborn you can be. I thought it might be the only way to wake you.
  • If you could defeat Urizen...then I never would have dreamed of using that child. But Urizen...is much stronger than we ever could have imagined.
  • You're right. I'll leave the rest to you.

V Quotes Dmc5


  • Hey, I'm glad we're gettin' personal. Well, he abandoned my mother and I left us for dead... So, I feel nothin'.
  • His research wasn't half bad. Came in handy. Mildly thankful for that...
  • Don't lose your tits, I see 'em.
  • Don't crap yourself. he likes to kill demon things. Let him do his thing.
  • Yeah he's a real pro at smackin' demon around. That's why I built him that well-functioning arm... To kick demon ass.
  • Hey, psycho! Watch the merchandise!
  • Hey, tough guy. That'll keep 'em, but not for long. Soldier boy said city's goin' to hell and back, taken over by the underworld. Not just here, but everywhere.
  • Why do I feel like your pet mechanic? Don't get used to it...
  • I'm waiting on you. I'm cookin'. Any special orders?
  • Took ya long enough, dumbass! What happened to the third-ring rule?
  • I know, I know, I'm late. Shut it! The roads were all clogged.
  • I'm gonna make something amazing out of this.
  • Cash first.
  • My brilliant, badass work is worth every dime, you know it.

Devil May Cry Vergil Quotes


  • Hey, you two! Dinner's ready!
  • Nero? Is that you, Nero? Did something happen?
  • You always know which path is right, and which is wrong. There's no need to doubt yourself.

Dante Dmc Quotes


Vergil Dmc Quotes

  • That's all right, superstar, go on with your bad self. Go ahead, we got this.
  • This is it, this is the end! It's all over!
  • So you're an artist now, huh?
  • So, V. You think this kid can kill Urizen?
  • Oooh, genius, says 'be careful.' Yeah, no shit, shirley! Ain't that right, V? I mean you Are fragile at the moment. Wouldn't take much to wipe you out in a sticky situation. I'm just saying running away is okay. It's always okay to run away if you're not up for it!
  • Okay Shakespeare. Just remember this: You and I like to exist. So get rid of those demons quick, 'cause killin' them ain't my shtick!
  • I got your back, 'cause dying is whack!
  • Nidhogg, I never liked this guy.
  • Dumb as a box of rocks. Let's not even mess with this guy V. He can't even leave the Qliphoth, anyway. Just a Qlipoth parasite.
  • I think he heard me...and he's angry!
  • Meaning don't try to think too much, shithead!
  • This dimwit wants to be all high-and-mighty! Strike 'em down, V!
  • Even the big bad Kitty knows you got shit for brains!
  • Okay, um, all right that's not good at all. That's not good. Wait, where- where are you going? Are you running away? That, that's not a good sign.
  • So? Did you get a comeback for that?
  • This is not the time for poetry! Wait, what does that even mean?
  • But that would mean it's Geryon! I thought Dante killed it already!
  • Be careful, V! He's got horsepower!

Devil May Cry V Quotes

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