3 Quotes Scam

3 Quotes Scam Average ratng: 3,2/5 7314 reviews
  1. 3 Quotes Scam Quotes
  2. 3 Quotes Scammers
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“A deceitful man will go as far as to trample all over a woman’s reputation and spirit, in order to. Three Quotes from a Plumber: How a Second Opinion Changed the Life of a Woman with a Brain Tumour is the inspiring story of Sally White, wife and mother of two young boys, who has written about. Not what we expected. We were advised we would have 3 companies contact us to provide a quote. We only received x1 company that contacted us. The people whom rang us from 3 quotes were very quick to get through the phone call & were only interested in their own performance they did not ask if we had heard back from any of the other companies who were supposedly going to contact us about quotes.

The most common request I have from Australians who, like yourself, have considered buying a solar power system is:

3 Quotes Scam

3 Quotes Scam Quotes

I’ve got these quotes from XYZ Systems, they seem like really nice guys and have quoted a reasonable price, but given there are so many in the industry, how can I be sure that they are good, honest installers with reliable hardware?

3 Quotes Scammers

Here at SolarQuotes I follow up with all our users who “Get 3 Quotes” and ask them to rate their chosen solar installer, if they went ahead and bought a solar power system and whether it was an installer they were referred to by us or not.

But I don’t stop there. You don’t just want to know how the installation went, you want to know how the solar systems that have been installed perform over time. If something goes wrong, does the installer act promptly? Are the company’s customers getting the performance they were promised from their solar systems? Did their electricity bill go down as much as they had hoped?

After our reviewers have had their solar systems for 12 months, I follow up again, and ask all those questions! Reviews that have been updated after at least 12 months are at the top of each solar installer’s list of reviews, so you can read the most current feedback first.

Hopefully the end result means that prospective buyers such as yourself can cut through the sales pitches and get real peoples’ experiences and opinions of solar installers throughout Australia.

  • The reviews database

    We collect reviews of all Australian solar installers whether they are in the SolarQuotes network (i.e. paying clients) or not. You can search our solar installer reviews database here or submit reviews here.

  • The ranking tables

    For all our solar installer ranking tables, we only show those who are active in our Australian network (i.e. companies that pay to participate). This is because we want to present a list of installers that we have pre-vetted – and our vetting process is very thorough. We have rejected applications from many Australian installers wanting to join the network as the companies didn’t meet our stringent standards.

  • How to find 3 great installers in your area who are in the SolarQuotes network.

    If you get 3 quotes for solar power through our service, wherever possible, we will choose 3 high-scoring installers that provide services in your postcode and who are currently active in the SQ network. With our database of 47,352 reviews, that means that we can be very confident that you will get quotes from 3 fantastic installers, which is reassuring in this industry, believe me. Our free service to you helps take the guesswork out of finding the best company to assist you in harvesting the energy of the sun from your home’s rooftop and slashing your electricity bills! If you’d like to do a little digging yourself, you can also find solar installers with our new search tool.